5 simple rules for perfect foundation


   This relationship with me and foundations goes a long way back, so in that time I've learned some very important steps which make your foundation look a lot better. I do not say that I have a degree in makeup or that I know the best or that it will work for everyone, those are just my thoughts about it from previous experience that I would like to share with you. I hope and believe they will help at least someone. So here they go..

1.  Prime the face.
First of all it is a must to wash your hands before any contact of them with your face. Then as I already rambled about here, very easy step so don't be lazy, go on and prime that lovely face. Which primer you will use depends on your skin type. Sometimes I would moisturize it before primer but if you already did that once that day, you don't need to.
2.  Less is more.     
I stand behind this rule because I was doing it wrong for a long time until I've learned that the little goes a long way. And you can always add more on the top if you feel like you need more coverage, but you can't take it of if you put too much and it will just get muddy.
3. Go part by part, not all at once.
This is very important because when you dot it all over your face at first, in time you finish blending one part of your face, the other dots will dry and become harder for you to blend when you get to them. (The same thing's for concealer.)
4. Damp the beauty blender.
For a long time I refused to wet my beauty blender because it feels weird wetting your foundation and feeling water on the face while blending it. You may think that it will look dewy and oily but just wait until it dries. Water really helps liquid foundations blend, and this is an AMAZING and holly grail way for putting it. 
The only con about beauty blender is that it doesn't give that much coverage as a brush would. But it looks a lot more natural as I prefer it.
5. Powder over powder.
This is actually the rule about steps after foundation, but I felt that I should mention it here. DON'T set your foundation with powder before you put on your concealer because once you set it, you can't put more liquid over it. This also goes if you plan to cream contour your face. And DO set your face on all the places you want to powder contour, bronze or blush it, because the powder works best over powder, not that much over foundation only.

That would be it for my foundation rules, I sincerely hope they will help you!


   Ova veza mene i pudera traje već poprilično dugo tako da sam za to vreme naučila neke važne korake koji čine da koža izgleda što bolje. Ne kažem da sam učena o tome, ili ikakav profesionalac, niti da će ova pravila odgovarati svima, ovo su samo neki moji saveti iz prethodno stečenog iskustva  koji meni pomažu i možda pomognu još nekome. Pa da počnemo..

1.  Pripremite lice.
Jako je bitno oprati ruke pre bilo kakvog mazanja lica, a onda, kao što sam već trtljala o tome dovoljno ovde, prajmer! Koji ćete prajmer koristiti zavisi od vašeg tipa kože, ali on jeste ključni korak ka boljem ponašanju pudera. Ako ste već jednom u toku tog dana mazali hidratantnu kremu na lice, pre pudera je dovoljan prajmer.
2.  Manje je više.     
Manje pudera uvek bolje i prirodnije izgleda. Stojim iza ovog pravila jer sam to pogrešno radila jako dugo dok nisam shvatila da se puder uvek može dodati ako zafali, a ako ga već stavimo previše ne može se skinuti i biće blatnjavo i koža će izgledati pretrpano.
3. Mažite deo po deo lica.
Ovo je jako važno jer kada istačkate celo lice odjednom, dok blendujete deo, onaj drugi deo će se osušiti, biće ga teže blendovati i veće su šanse za fleke. (Isto važi i za korektor.)
4. Pokvasite beauty blender.
Dugo sam odbijala da kvasim beauty blender zato što mi se gadila pomisao da puder mešam sa vodom i to razmazujem po licu. Takodje sam mislila da će ga to učiniti blatnjavim i masnim, ali naprotiv, samo sačekajte da se lepo upije i videćete koliko je bolje. Voda pomaže puderu da se bolje razmaže i upije, holy grail šminkanja. 
Jedina mana je što se ovakvim nanošenjem pudera neće dobiti toliko pokrivanje koliko bi se dobilo četkicom, ali svakako je bolji ako je cilj prirodniji izgled.
5. Puder na puder.
Ovo pravilo zapravo važi za sve korake posle tečnog pudera, ali mislila sam da ih je jako bitno spomenuti zbog krajnjeg izgleda. Ako ste već setovali tečni puder puderom u kamenu, kasno je za korektor, tečno se najbolje upija i blenduje na tečnom. Takodje ako planirate konturisanje kremama, nemojte setovati lice pre toga. Ali pre nego što konturišete lice puderima, obavezno ga setujte jer se puder najbolje razmazuje na puderu.

To bi bilo to od mojih pravila koja sam do sada naučila, nadam se da će vam biti od koristi!

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